Jekyll update for my blog site
by Wenwei Weng
My blog site was shutdown for quite a while for certain reasons. However I strongly feel this is a good way for me to capture what I learned along the way and share with anyone who might feel helpful for them. Thanks to all people who provided postivie feedback. After clearup the issue and I finally decide to continue working on my blog site. First thing I do is to update my blog development enviroment which is Jekyll, installed in ubuntu 16.04 VM.
What is Jekyll?
Jekyll is a very popular tool to build/generate a static web/blog site. It is based on Ruby, which is a script programming language. Ruby library is packaged and distributed as “gem”. Jekyll is one of Ruby’s gem.
If you do a google search “ubuntu 16.04 install jekyll”, you will find a number of links, which have detailed steps, e.g.
Essentially two steps:
- sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev make gcc
- sudo gem install jekyll bundler
Issues encountered:
After upgrade, jekyll is running version 3.8.6.
weng@weng-u1604:/mnt/vb-win7-share/github/blog$ gem info jekyll
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
jekyll (3.8.6, 3.8.5)
Author: Tom Preston-Werner
License: MIT
Installed at (3.8.6): /home/weng/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3
(3.8.5): /home/weng/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3
A simple, blog aware, static site generator.
The new version jekyll deprectes markdown “redcarpet”, so I have to change my _config.yml to below:
weng@weng-u1604:/mnt/vb-win7-share/github/blog$ cat _config.yml
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
theme: minima
- jekyll-feed
Image link rendering issue
With _config.yml change, Jekyll is able to rebuild my blog, but failed to render image link like below:
![image alt text] (/path/to/image/filename.jpg)
I look around net, couldn’t find any solution, except that I change to html format :
<img src="/pathto/image/filename.jpg" alt="alt text">
Since I have many existing MD files, which have image links, I ended up to wrote the below small bash script to do the work:
files=`ls *.md`
for f in $files
echo "============================="
echo "Processing file : $f "
while [ 1 ]
todo=`grep -n '\!\[' $f | head -1 | wc -l`
if [ $todo -eq 1 ]
linenum=`grep -n '\!\[' $f | head -1 | awk -F: '{print $1}' `
line=`grep '\!\[' $f | head -1 `
# process one line
echo "Process one line : $line, replacing with "
alt_text=`echo $line | awk -F'] ' '{print $1}' | sed 's/\!\[//g ' `
img_file=`echo $line | awk -F'] ' '{print $2}' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' `
# new line format is like <img src="/pathto/image/filename.jpg" alt=" alt text">
newline=`echo "<img src=\"$img_file\" alt=\"$alt_text\"> "`
echo $newline
#insert line line after current line
cmd=`echo "sed -i '$linenum a $newline ' $f " `
eval $cmd
echo ".........."
#delete old line
cmd=`echo sed -i \'${linenum}d\' $f `
eval $cmd
echo " done!"
echo "============================="
Main page recent posts
The main page most recent posts are not shown, which I haven’t fixed it. Now I simply change to show all posts sorted by date.
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